Monday, February 28, 2011

Performance Based Assessment

Traditional assessments of student performance have relied heavily on standardized testing methods. Performance-based testing is an alternative that is designed to encompass a better overall representation of student progress including the effectiveness of teacher lesson plans, worksheets and study skills. The idea with performance-based testing is to gather a demonstration of the scope of knowledge a student has on a subject rather than simply testing the accuracy of their response on a selection of questions.The outcome of performance-based testing has largely been reviewed as a technique that has the potential to encompass a wider base of learning levels. A success criterion is established for students being graded with a performance-based method rather than attempting to align with a normal distribution curve. 

How Performance-Based Testing Works

With typical standardized testing, a student is provided multiple choice options or some other form of question and answer format where they choose the best response from a list. Performance-based testing methods utilize a variety of techniques depending on the subject being examined. For example, oral discussions of the subject matter may be a testing method utilized. This is very similar to how an academic doctoral candidate would perform a thesis defense. The idea is to challenge not only the student's depth of knowledge on a subject, but how they correlate multiple concepts taught within the curriculum.Examining aspects of more expressive subjects such as art, writing and composition may benefit from a performance-based assessment involving a portfolio assessment. A portfolio provides a view of a student's progress for an entire course length rather than attempting to summarize all curriculum components into one final examination, worksheet or project. The progress and study skills of a student is generally very apparent but more so, the portfolio can represent many types of techniques and topics learned.For academic subjects that are more fact based such as science or mathematics, an oral defense technique is commonly used. The format for the defense can vary, with the required topics formalized with pre-defined criteria based on lesson plan topics or the defense being more of an informal discussion. Another option is known as the problem solving method. This technique can be applicable to both artistic and principle based subjects and utilized a problem example that must be solved utilizing techniques discussed throughout the curriculum. 

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Performance-Based Testing

One of the primary difficulties with multiple choice selections is the inability to test the volume of information a student has absorbed and the correlations the student is able to make between concepts taught throughout the class. With performance-based testing, a student is enabled and more responsible for the demonstration of their learning. In contrast to a multiple choice test that a student might do poorly on and consequently blame the format of the questions or answers, performance-based testing forces the students to put their knowledge into context that can be understood and explained.Performance-based testing can be difficult to implement in a large class setting compared to utilizing a standard multiple question type of format for assessment. Large student populations and limited teacher resources would make the timing and cost of performance-based testing more difficult, but conversely, the overall benefit to students can outweigh those concerns in many cases.

Kinds of Paper and Pencil Test Items

Brief tests that focus on important knowledge, basic skills or that require more complex and challenging mental processes are more useful to both students and teachers than lengthy, complicated tests. Tests can be constructed using any one or combination of the following kinds of test items.Objective forms of test items usually have a pre-determined correct answer. Students are asked to select the correct or most appropriate response from the options given. Selected response include:
  • multiple choice
  • alternate response
  • matching
These forms of tests tend to focus students on lower-order thinking skills and frequently require critical reading ability. It is recommended that teachers make limited use of this kind of test.

Short answer tests items require a brief answer. In some cases, there may be more than one acceptable response.

Extended response items refer to any writing assignment which requires more than a few words. Teachers must be prepared to accept a wide range of defensible responses.
Some test items provide a stimulus such as reading passage, map, picture, diagram, chart, concrete object(s), etc. as the basis for a student’s response. These items can be useful for testing higher level knowledge processes and inquiry skills which are not dependent on recall alone.Examples of the test items described above are provided on the following pages. Teachers select and/or combine test items based on knowledge of their students’ skills, levels of experience and stages of development.


Alternate response items require students to select from two possible answers. It is important that each question be clearly one response or the other. Alternate response items are prone to random guessing and should be used on a very limited basis.

Multiple choice items can be used to measure recognition, comprehension and application of a concept. Good multiple choice items are difficult to construct and should be used cautiously.

Matching items can test the understanding of terminology, factual relations and concepts.

Short answer test items require a brief answer. They may require the student to fill in a blank or complete a short statement, to do a brief calculation, to label a diagram, or to complete a table or chart.

Paper and Pencil Test

Teacher-made paper and pencil tests can be an effective method of assessing key knowledge, facts, skills and procedures. Carefully constructed, they can be used to assess more complex and challenging mental processes as well.
Paper and pencil tests require students to read or write independently or to demonstrate understanding of concepts at a symbolic level. By grade 3 or 4 most students have acquired the necessary skills and levels of conceptual development to demonstrate their learning using this method. Paper and pencil test may be gradually included as part of their overall assessment package. Observation and direct communication, however, continue to be the main methods of assessment throughout the early and formative years.
Kinds of Paper and Pencil Test Items
Brief tests that focus on important knowledge, basic skills or that require more complex and challenging mental processes are more useful to both students and teachers than lengthy, complicated tests. Tests can be constructed using any one or combination of the following kinds of test items.
Objective forms of test items usually have a pre-determined correct answer. Students are asked to select the correct or most appropriate response from the options given. Selected response include:
  • multiple choice
  • alternate response
  • matching
These forms of tests tend to focus students on lower-order thinking skills and frequently require critical reading ability. It is recommended that teachers make limited use of this kind of test.
Short answer tests items require a brief answer. In some cases, there may be more than one acceptable response.
Extended response items refer to any writing assignment which requires more than a few words. Teachers must be prepared to accept a wide range of defensible responses.
Some test items provide a stimulus such as reading passage, map, picture, diagram, chart, concrete object(s), etc. as the basis for a student’s response. These items can be useful for testing higher level knowledge processes and inquiry skills which are not dependent on recall alone.
Examples of the test items described above are provided on the following pages. Teachers select and/or combine test items based on knowledge of their students’ skills, levels of experience and stages of development.
Alternate response items require students to select from two possible answers. It is important that each question be clearly one response or the other. Alternate response items are prone to random guessing and should be used on a very limited basis.
Multiple choice items can be used to measure recognition, comprehension and application of a concept. Good multiple choice items are difficult to construct and should be used cautiously.
Matching items can test the understanding of terminology, factual relations and concepts.
SHORT ANSWER TEST ITEMS                  
Short answer test items require a brief answer. They may require the student to fill in a blank or complete a short statement, to do a brief calculation, to label a diagram, or to complete a table or chart.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


By: Samuel F. Gaches

Today is not yesterday.
Yesterday we were in peace.
Today we are at war.
Yesterday were in the humdrum of even tenor sedentary life.
Today we tread on the gangway that leads to destiny.
One soldiers on the battlefield. In lingayen, in vigan, in aparri, are making history, remaking it for our children and our children’s children.
You who are in Manila or in the provinces, the store clerk, the salesman, the street cleaner, the attorney, the physician, the bureau clerk, the street car inspector, the bus driver, the newspaper carrier, he stevedore, the movie house usherette , the cochero, each of you is also making and remaking history.
You are also in the gangway that will lead you at a rendezvous with destiny.
Your serenity and poise, your equanimity, and calmness in the face of danger.
Your loyalty to your daily duty, your fortitude, your patriotism, these are the intangibles that will help our soldiers win the war.
Do you part and victory will be yours.
Will you march ahead of the gangway for destiny now that your country needs you most?”
Yours is the reply.

Lyrics to "Everybody is free to wear sunscreen"

Lyrics to "Everybody is free to wear sunscreen"
    by Baz Luhrman
Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '97, wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term
benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis or
reliable then my own meandering experience.  I will dispense this Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind, you won't understand the power and
beauty of your youth until they've faded, but trust me in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of
yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous
you really looked. You are not as fat as you imagine. Don't worry about the future, or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra
equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind: the kind that blindsides
you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday. Do one thing every day that scares you. Sing. Don't be reckless with other people's hearts; don't put up with people who are reckless with yours. Floss. Don't waste your time on jealousy.  Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind.  The race is
long, and in the end, it's only with yourself. Remember compliments you receive; forget the insults. (if you succeed in doing this, tell me how). Keep your old love letters; throw away your old bank statements. Stretch. Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life.  The most interesting people
I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives; some of the most interesting 40 year
olds I know still don't. Get plenty of Calcium.  Be kind to your knees -- you'll miss them when they're gone. Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't.  Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't.  Maybe you'll
divorce at 40; maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself, either.  Your choices are half
chance, so are everybody else's. Enjoy your body: use it every way you can.  Don't be afraid of it or what other people think of it; it's the
greatest instrument you'll ever own. \Dance...even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room. Read the directions (even if you don't follow them). Do not read beauty magazines; they will only make you feel ugly. Get to know your parents; you never know when they'll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings: they're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in
the future. Understand that friends come and go, but what a precious few should hold on.  Work hard to bridge the gaps and geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you
were young. Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard. Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Travel.  Accept certain inalienable truths: prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old; and when you
do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble, and children
respected their elders. Respect your elders. Don't expect anyone else to support you.  Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse,
but you never know when either one might run out. Don't mess too much with your hair or by the time you are 40, it will look 85. Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it.  Advice is a form of nostalgia;
dispensing it is a way of wishing the past from the disposal--wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts, and
recycling it for more than it's worth. But trust me, I'm the sunscreen.

Concept of Teenage Life

Teenage Life
A long time ago, a child was born with nothing on his mind. A child who gently sleeps in her mother’s arm, and always cries when gets hungry. This child grew up to become a great kid. This kid grew up to be me.  Since childhood, I was the happy-go-lucky kid. I really never bothered everything but only play with my friends. I was so gleeful, cheerful, and always think positively. I love my friends, and they do love me. But my entire life changed when I entered this critical stage in life where everything should be systematic. A new chapter in life where everything calls for desperate measures. Everyone, we’re now leaving Kiddieville, so fasten your seatbelts, and away we go the TeenTown!  Teenage life is a chapter of our life where we teens should be meticulous in everything we do. In here, our body grows older, and we can’t imagine the things growing in our skins as we go through this stage in life. Have you imagined it? That as we go through this stage, everything changes…physically, mentally, socially, and most of all, emotionally.  As we go through life, we meet changes. Changes that will make our character stand above all. What you do now will lay the foundation for your state in the future.  For a short period of our adolescence, we must try to make this the exciting,  enjoyable, and memorable times in our life. As a teenager, we are in that enviable stage where everything is positioned to go our way. We are young, full of energy, we feel like we are invincible, totally carefree and becoming free and more independent. We will also have a thousand and one questions as we enter this new stage of life. This is the time when we actually need the guidance and support of our parents and older people.
We are social creatures and the need for companionship is most pronounced among teenagers. The company we keep will have a great effect in our teenage life. Choosing the right circle of friends will save us a lot of troubles, heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret. Enjoy the company of different kinds of people and develop important social skills.
It is very rare to find young people who set clear definitions and limits on their personal behavior. Whether it is drugs, crime, premarital sex, pornography, alcohol, smoking etc., many young people just seem to go along with the crowd. They easily give in to peer pressure.

What was friendship then?

Friendship is when they push when you need it, but never too hard and stand back when the time is right but never too far and the true test of friendship is if you’re willing to do it all back in a heartbeat. It’s when your life is so much better because your know them and they bring out the best that lies within. Good morning fellow classmates and Mr Hampton. Today I will be talking to you about friendship and the important role that it plays in our lives.People today, in all this new world technology and thinking have lost sight of what a true friendship is. No way do friends have to be exactly the same, I mean come on friends do have similarities but they also have their differences. The key to opening up the world of friendship is not just to focus on the similarities but to accept each others faults because true friends do not judge each other. Friends love unconditionally. They do have their little angry moments from time to time but at the end of the day all is forgiven and forgotten.
A true friendship has many memories, both good and bad, but all are important. When you can look at them when something is wrong and they know it just by their eyes and all they have to do is offer a hug and you feel a thousand times better. Friends can stay up all night on the phone talking for hours without even realising it. When you know that they'd never lie to you and would never hurt you and if they did you know that it would only be for your benefit. Sometimes you wonder how she knew, but then you realize that's just how close you are. They can make you laugh when skies are the darkest and they're there with a good movie and some popcorn when your totally depressed! There is a great deal to learn about friendship. ure? You know you have a friend for life when they answer the phone at one in the morning because you can't sleep and have a lot on your mind and they don't care about talking about nothing to get your mind off everything. Have you ever noticed that when a friend is happy you find yourself happy too, even when it has nothing to do with you? To a friend I've found that nothing ever sounds stupid, funny or unbelievable and you never feel stupid saying whatever it is. As quoted by Oscar Wilde, "Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friends success. A few unspoken rules on friendship is that friends never "forget" to call. Don't diss your friends, love them instead. Some of the things learned are that there are many good friends around, but true best friends are hard to come by. Do not date their ex boyfriends, but only date ex boyfriends if having permission.

sample Activity in Writing 2

 Activity in Writing
Activity # 1
Instruction: Copy these sentences. Add commas where necessary.
1.      No I don’t think the library is open on Sunday.
2.      After circling the airport for an hour we finally landed.
3.      Although the game was postponed until Friday we had practice every morning.
4.      Yes I have finished the dishes.
5.      Mrs. Cassini to tell the truth was quite pleased with our panel discussion.
6.      Since the Clubs lost their last ten games they will not be in the play-offs.
7.      No the mail has not been delivered.
8.      Even though we arrived early we still didn’t get good seats for the basketball game.
9.      After we went on the hayride we had a played barbeque and played volleyball.
10.  Yes the garage has been cleaned out.
Answer Key:
1.      No, I don’t think the library is open on Sunday.
2.      After circling the airport for an hour, we finally landed.
3.      Although the game was postponed until Friday, we had practice every morning.
4.      Yes, I have finished the dishes.
5.      Mrs. Cassini, to tell the truth, was quite pleased with our panel discussion.
6.      Since the Clubs lost their last ten games, they will not be in the play-offs.
7.      No, the mail has not been delivered.
8.      Even though we arrived early, we still didn’t get good seats for the basketball game.
9.      After we went on the hayride, we had a played barbeque and played volleyball.
10.  Yes, the garage has been cleaned out.

Activity # 2
Instruction: Using the words below, write a one (1) meaningful paragraph with 5 to 10 sentences. You can use or add other words to make your paragraph creative. But make sure that the words I provided is included in your paragraph.

grass                sunshine                      wind                rain
sun                   rainbow                       butterfly
thunder            flower                          fogs
Activity # 3
Instruction: Write definitions for the italicized words in the following sentences. Use context clues alone to write your definitions. Check your definitions in a dictionary.
1.      Anna, unlike most ailurophobes, can at least stand to be in the same room with a cat.
2.      Like other marsupials, a kangaroo carries its young in a pouch.
3.      The museum has many examples of early bicycles, such as the ordinary and the high wheeler.
4.      Laura spends her time reading about griffins, unicorn and other imaginary beasts.
5.      Some people think Paul is irrational, but he has always seemed reasonable to me.
6.      I was anxious, but everyone else seemed calm and relaxed.
7.      Pull the taffy until it is elastic as a rubber band.
8.      Most of us agreed. However, Cheryl dissented.
9.      When you hit the bar, it will make a plangent sound like a bell.
10.  Stalactites hung from the roof of the cave like icicles.

Answer Key:
1.      Ailurophobes - a person who has a phobia or afraid on a cat
2.      Marsupials - a common name for a group of mammals typically distinguished by a pouch in the female, called a marsupial, where offspring are carried.
3.      Ordinary - common in everyday living
High wheeler - unusual or developed bicycle
4.      Griffins -  a monster with the head and wings of an eagle and the body and tail of a lion
Unicorns - a mythical animal usually depicted as a white horse with a single straight spiraled horn growing from its forehead.
5.      Irrational -  unable to think clearly
6.      Anxious - feeling nervous
7.      Elastic - flexible
8.      Dissented - disagree
9.      Plangent - mournful sound
10.  Stalactites – conical pillar hanging in cave

Activity # 4

Instruction: Following is a list of synonyms for said that might be used in sentences 1 through 10. Choose the word that best fits each sentence.

            whispered                    chanted                       screamed
            called                           cried                            growled
            announced                   muttered
            explained                     declared
1.      “I am the best violinist in the class,”____________ Mark.
2.      “Don’t look now, but someone’s watching us,” __________ Nancy.
3.      “There will be a quiz on Friday,” _________ Mr. Hunt.
4.      “Wait! You forgot your notebook, hat, and pencil,” ________ Madeline.
5.      “I can’t make this problem work out,”________ Sam.
6.      “You have to multiply, not divide,”_________ Mr. Crandall.
7.      “Stay in line. Stay in line. Stay in line,”_________ Ms. Donovan.
8.      “You always get more than I do,” _________ Lucy.
9.      “If I get any trouble from you, you’ll get plenty of trouble from me,”_________ Rafferty.
10.  “A giant clam has me by the foot,”_________ Louise.

Answer Key:
1.      declared
2.      whispered
3.      announced
4.      called
5.      cried
6.      explained
7.      chanted
8.      muttered
9.      growled
10.  screamed

Activity # 5

Test 1.Instruction: Join the related parts in each pair of sentences by following the directions in parentheses. Eliminate the italicized words.

1.      Lisa worried. John worried. (Join related parts with and.)
2.      The dog may have eaten the steak. The dog may have buried it. (Join related parts with or.)
3.      The conductor was busy. He was friendly, though. (Join related parts with but.)
4.      The ball rolled around the rim once. It fell through the net. (Join related parts with and.)
5.      Sherry lost the letter I sent her. Sherry lost the map I sent her. (Join related parts with and.)

Test 2.Instruction: Combine each pair of sentences by adding the important word. Follow the directions given. Eliminate the italicized words.

1.      Luis backed away from the snake. The snake hissed. (End the important word with -ing.)
2.      I cleaned the shelves. They were covered with dust. (End the important word with -y.)
3.      We arrange the turkey on a platter. The turkey was in slices. (End the important word with –ed.)
4.      Alec whistled to tell us that he’d spotted the hawk. His whistling was soft. (End the important word with –ly.)
5.      The cat stalked the chipmunk. The cat’s movements were slow. (End the important word with –ly.)

Answer Key:
1.      Lisa and John worried.
2.      The dog may have eaten the steak and buried it.
3.      The conductor was busy but friendly.
4.      The ball rolled around the rim once and fell through the net.
5.      Sherry lost the letter and map I sent her.
1.      Luis backed away from the hissing snake.
2.      I cleaned the dusty shelves.
3.      We arranged the sliced turkey on a platter.
4.      Alec softly whistled to tell us that he’d spotted the hawk.
5.      The cat slowly stalked the chipmunks.

Activities under Speaking Skill

Activity #1
Instruction: Read the dialogue given by the teacher orally.

Happiness at Last

Shoe: Shoe, Shoe, only one shoe, shoe, shoe . . .
Sandal: Hey, shoe, where are you going?
Shoe: I’m running away from my other half.            
Sandal: Oh! Good! I’m trying to escape from my partner as well.
Shoe: Why do you want to get rid from your partner?
Sandal: I’m sick of seeing and being with someone who is identical to me. It can be extremely boring.
Shoe: Then, I’m just who you’re looking for. I’m handsome and exciting, and on top of it all, I’m intelligent as well.
Sandal: I can see that you’ve got class. Let’s go and find a person who’ll use us together.
Shoe: I’m sure we can find at least one person as intelligent and as exciting as we are to try us together.
Sandal: Look, there’s someone who seems to be interested in us.
Shoe: Oh good. He doesn’t have anything on his feet and he’s going to try us.
Sandal: Oh, that feels good! Now we belong to a person who is
Shoe: as intelligent and as exciting as we are.

Hermosa, 1991

News casting:

The teacher will group his/her students into 4 groups. Each group must have 5 members. The students will choose a leader and he/she will assign each member for the news casting. Each member must find a current event or news, one for the headlines, sports, entertainment, and so on.

Thoroughness/ Delivery     20%
Mastery                               20%
Variation of Voice              10%

Role Playing for an Interview

Instruction: Assume you are President Benigno Aquino III and your partner is the interviewer. Think of how you will answer the interview. Your partner will prepare 10 questions and you will practice it together. Your teacher will call on several pairs to present a “live” interview  in front of the whole class.


Instruction: Read orally the following words with correct stressing and pronunciation.

            vase                 reveal               hat
            chaos               case                 leaf
            rigid                 permit              eligible
            magazine         abaca               correspond
            indiscreet         talented           habitual


Diphthongs or double vowel sound pratice test

/ІƏ/            /еə/             /əʊ/            /ᴐɪ/

/еɪ/              /aɪ/             /ʊə/            /aʊ/

1. Fill in the gap with the double vowel sound in the word DAY. /d ____ /ə
2. Fill in the gap with the double vowel sound in the word EAR. /______r/
3. Fill in the gap with the double vowel sound in the word BOY. /b____ /
4. Fill in the gap with the double vowel sound in the word BUY. /b ____/
5. Fill in the gap with the double vowel sound in the word HOUSE. /h ____ s/
6. Fill in the gap with the double vowel sound in the word COLD. /k _____d /
7. Fill in the gap with the double vowel sound in the word TOUR. / t _____ /
8. Fill in the gap with the double vowel sound in the word HAIR. /h ____ r /

Listening Activities

Instruction: The teacher will read the words orally. Then, the students will choose the words with a different vowel sound in the set of words provided and they are going to write it on ¼ sheet of paper.

1.      a. grieve           b. seizure         c. pleasant       d. beaver
2.      a. legend          b. beach           c. arena            d. selective
3.      a. scent            b. steady          c. error             d. pleasant
4.      a. ravine           b. thief             c. niche            d. leisure
5.      a. bread           b. believe         c. dredge         d. senate
6.      a. mean            b. cheese          c. delta                        d. feast
7.      a. bed              b. sled              c. dead                        d. grease
8.      a. fetus                        b. leopard        c. weapon        d. heaven
9.      a. believe         b. excellent      c. lecture          d. precious
10.  a. engine          b. tease                        c. secret           d.leach

Answer Key:
1.      c
2.      a
3.      c
4.      c
5.      b
6.      c
7.      d
8.      a
9.      a
10.  a


Instruction: The teacher will read the word twice. The students will spell out the words in a ¼ sheet of paper.

1.      seizure
2.      niche
3.      dredge
4.      excellent
5.      leopard
6.      eligible
7.      disparity
8.      congenital
9.      dialysis
10.  immaculate

Instruction: The students will listen in a song entitled “Leaving on a Jet Plane” ,then they are going to fill in the missing lyrics of the song.

Leaving On A Jet Plane lyrics

All my _____ are packed,
I'm ready to go,
I'm _______ here,
Outside your door,
I hate to wake you up to say Good Bye.
But the ______ is breakin', It's early morn`,
The taxi's waiting, blowin' his horn.
Already I'm so _______ I could die.

So_____  me and smile for me,
Tell me that you _____ for me,
Hold me, like you never let me go.
Cause I'm _______ on a jet plane,
Don't know when I'll be back again,
Oh Babe I _____to go.

So _____ times, I let you down,
So many times, I played around,
but I tell you now, they don't mean a thing.
Every place I go, I'll ______ of you,
Every ____I sing, I sing for you.
When I come back, I'll bring your _____ ring.


Now the ______ has come to leave you,
One more time, let me _____ you,
Close your eyes and I'll be on my way.
Think about the days to come,
When I won't have you______  alone,
About the day, when I won't have to say,

Answer Key:

Leaving On A Jet Plane lyrics

All my bags are packed,
I'm ready to go,
I'm standing here,
Outside your door,
I hate to wake you up to say Good Bye.
But the dawn is breakin', It's early morn`,
The taxi's waiting, blowin' his horn.
Already I'm so lonesome I could die.

So kiss me and smile for me,
Tell me that you wait for me,
Hold me, like you never let me go.
Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane,
Don't know when I'll be back again,
Oh Babe I hate to go.

So many times, I let you down,
So many times, I played around,
but I tell you now, they don't mean a thing.
Every place I go, I'll think of you,
Every song I sing, I sing for you.
When I come back, I'll bring your wedding ring.


Now the time has come to leave you,
One more time, let me kiss you,
Close your eyes and I'll be on my way.
Think about the days to come,
When I won't have you leave alone,
About the day, when I won't have to say,

Activity #4
Instruction: The teacher will be playing 10 different sounds. Then, his/her students will identify what sound it is.

1.      whisper
2.      twit of birds
3.      rushing of water
4.      drag of a chair
5.      a girl singing s song
6.      a cry of a baby
7.      horn of a vehicles
8.      a sound of a typewriter
9.      soldiers halt
10.  ticktack of a clock

Instruction: The teacher will give his/her students 5 minutes to write all the sounds that they hear from the environment. They can choose any place where they can concentrate. Then, they are going to present it in front of the class.

Reading Activities

Instruction: Rearrange the sentences below to make a meaningful paragraph. Use numbers 1-8 to indicate the sequence of a story.

The Tortoise and the Hare

1)      On a certain day they met for the race. 2) Finally he passed the sleeping hare and won the race. 3) One day a tortoise and a hare began to argue about which of them the faster was. 4) The tortoise knew that he would have to work hard to win. 5) They agreed to have a race to decide the question. 6) The hare was so confident that he would win that he didn’t make muck effort. 7)  He kept going as best he could and didn’t stop at all. 8) He lay down by the side of the road and went to sleep.

1st paragraph     ____
2nd paragraph    ____
3rd paragraph     ____
4th paragraph     ____
5th paragraph     ____
6th paragraph     ____
7th paragraph     ____
8th paragraph     ____

1.      While not directly stated, it can be reasoned from the article that:

a.       the tortoise use his brain
b.      the hare was sleeping
c.       the hare was so confident

2.      What was the given moral in this selection?

Answer Key:
a.       3
b.      5
c.       1
d.      6
e.       8
f.       4
g.      7
h.      2
i.        C
j.        Don’t be so confident of what you are and what you have. Be humble.

Word Building:
Direction: Get the meaning of the underlined word through context clues. Write the correct letter only.

1.      The Black Death was a plague that swept out of Asia. Thousands of people died because of it.

a.       shortage                 b. epidemic                  c. war

2.      The use of soap is an important factor in bringing the dreadful plague under control. Because of the people’s fear of the epidemic, they didn’t hesitate to use soap daily.

a.       Important              b. useless                     c. fearful

3.      Soap is important in the fields of sanitations and hygiene. Thus gives man a healthy personality.

a.       healthy               b. body                      c. personality

4.      Soap is one of the most valuable things man needs in his daily lives. It is used not only at home but everywhere.

a.       useful                 b. important               c. expensive

5.      The Black Death was plague that swept through Europe. It came like a typhoon attacking everywhere.

a.       stay                    b. stop                        c. spread out

6.      Rats have threatened man’s life, rat-born diseases having killed many people.

a.       saved                    b. endangered                  c. cured

7.      A few species have tried to link their destinies with men.

a.       avoid                     b. relate                           c. abide

8.      The brown rats can squeeze through small holes.

a.       pass                    b. jump                   c. walk

9.      It is a continuing health menace because it spreads diseases.

a.       hazard                b. help                    c. drug

10.  Nature has endowed it with special characteristics.

a.       avoided              b. refused                c. provided

Answer Key:
1.      b                           6. b
2.      b                           7. c
3.      a                            8. b
4.      a                            9. a
5.      c                            10. c

Direction:  Read the selection carefully. Then answer the question that follows.

                1.)A certain farmer had several sons. 2.) He wanted them to become good farmers. 3.)  When the father was dying, he called his sons and said, “Boys I am about to leave you. 4.) I have hidden my wealth in the vineyard. 5.) Search for it. 6.) It is all I have ti give you.”  7.) His thought that their father had buried a treasure in the vineyard. 8.) When the father was dead, they dug in the vineyard, taking for the treasure until they had dug everywhere. 9.) They didn’t find hidden money, but they had cultivated the vines so well that they had fine crops of grapes. 10.) The best treasure is what we get from hard work.
  1. From the selection, a certain farmer told about the:
            a. hidden wealth in the vineyard                    c. the father was dead
            b. a  fine crop of grapes
2. While not directly stated, it can be reasoned from the article that:
            a. the boys were lazy                                       c. the hidden wealth was in the vines
            b. the dying father left a large legacy
3. The article as a whole is about:
            a. father and son                                             c. hidden treasure
            b. industrious men
Direction: Find the words in the selection that best fits each meaning below. Write the word.
4. A place where vines grow (4)  _____________.
5. To loosen the soil (9) ______________.
6. He in the sentence (2) refers to _____________.
7. They refer to in the sentence (9) ____________.
Direction:  Arrange the following words in their alphabetical order answering only in letters.

     _____  8.  a. farmer                               _____  9. a. Vines                      
                    b. certain                                                  b. have                                         b. look       
                    c. treasure                                                c. hidden                                      c. grapes

Answer Key:  Activity # 5.
1. a
2. c
3. c
4. vineyard
5. cultivated
6. farmer, father
7. sons
8. b ,a ,c
9. b ,c ,a
10.c ,b, a

Activity # 4

Read the paragraph carefully and be able to answer the questions that follow.

Green Plants

A plant is a living thing. An animal, too, is a living thing. Plants and animals have traits in common. But they also differ in some ways.

One thing that sets a plant apart is its ability to make food. Green plants- and only green plants are the food makers among living things. Green plants use light, chlorophyll, water, and carbon dioxide to make sugar. This process is photosynthesis.

The Thallophytes are simplest plants. They include algae, fungi, and lichens. The most common fungi are bacteria. There are thousands of different kinds of bacteria.

There are four main groups of plants. These groups are the Thallophytes, Bryophytes, the Pteridophytes and the Spermatophytes.

Among the bryophytes are the masses and the liverworts. The Pteridophytes are ferns, horsetail, and club mosses. There were among the earliest plants on earth.

Spermatophytes are the familiar plants we see around. Among them are trees, vegetables, and shrubs and garden flowers. The angiosperms have flowers and bear covered seeds. The Gymnosperms are evergreens. The seed are found in cones.

Comprehension Questions

1.      This selection as a whole tells about
a. living things             b. plants           c. plants and animals

       2. Animals have traits like those of the plants.
           a. true                           b.false                          c. does not say

       3.- 6. Mention four things that plants use in making sugar.

       7. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
            a. food of plants          b. main groups of plants          c. kinds of bacteria

       8. The word they in the fourth line of the first paragraph refer to:
            a. plants                       b. plants and animals               c. traits

       9. What word in paragraph 2 tells us about the process of making sugar as food for the plants?
            a. food makers                        b. photosynthesis                    c. carbon-dioxide

      10. Paragraph 4 in the passage is about.
            a. the simplest form of plants    b. the evergreen around us    c. the earliest plant on earth

Answer Key:
1.      A
2.      A
3.      light
4.      chlorophyll
5.      water
6.      carbon dioxide
7.      c
8.      b
9.      b
10.  b

Activity #5

Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could,
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as jus as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way lead on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sign.
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I –
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Guide Questions:

1.      Describe the scene in the poem.

2.      Which of the two roads did the author take? Why?

3.      What does the poet mean by the last line?

4.      What is the symbolic significance of the two roads? Explain.